SAVVY Beauty Portable UV Light Sanitizer Wand - Foldable UVC Disinfection Lamp Sterilizes Germs Viruses & Bacteria in Seconds - Disinfect at Home, Traveling, Office - EPA FCC CE Certified
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SAVVY Beauty Portable UV Light Sanitizer Wand - Foldable UVC Disinfection Lamp Sterilizes Germs Viruses & Bacteria in Seconds - Disinfect at Home, Traveling, Office - EPA FCC CE Certified

Product ID: 219032279
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The Savvy Beauty Foldable Sanitizing WandDid you know? What’s the dirtiest thing in a hotel room? Of course, it varies from room to room and from hotel to hotel, but researchers took bacteria samples from several items in hotel rooms in three regions of the United States. The toilet, shower and sink come to mind, but it’s actually the TV remote and the switch on the bedside lamp that had the most bacteria. Meanwhile, researchers were in three U.S. cities, testing for bacteria in office spaces. The worst culprits? Chairs and telephones. Luckily, we've found your solution!! Start combating germs and odors while traveling – or at home – with the Savvy Beauty Portable Sanitizing Wand. With advanced UV-C light technology, this little powerhouse kills up to 99.9%* of germs and allergens on hard surfaces. It also destroys odor-causing bacteria and sanitizes without chemicals, irritants** or residues. FCC Laboratory tested for effectiveness, This UV Wand is ideal for remote controls, mobile phones, headphones, music players and more. Reduce germs and bacteria waiting for you in hotel rooms, public restrooms or at work with the Portable Sanitizing Wand. Lightweight and portable, it fits easily into a purse or briefcase.Plus, rest assured you will have great customer service! Message us at anytime or ask us a question on our listing above. Say Bye Bye to Germs and Press Add to Cart Now!!!

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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