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YEESAM ART Paint by Numbers for Adults Kids, Up Hot Air Balloon, Ballons Balls 16x20 Inch Linen Canvas Acrylic DIY Number Painting Kits Wall Art Decor Gifts
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YEESAM ART Paint by Numbers for Adults Kids, Up Hot Air Balloon, Ballons Balls 16x20 Inch Linen Canvas Acrylic DIY Number Painting Kits Wall Art Decor Gifts

Product ID: 21457914
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Size:Framed Visit our storefront - U R Beautiful to find more choices of PBN (Paint by Number), such as custom PBN (search this ASIN - B084KQBRYJ), 3 pack PBN, PBN for kids and so on. If you purchased the "Without Frame" option: -- Sometimes the canvas may be creased a little, don’t worry! Use an iron to iron the back of the canvas and the creases will be removed. -- After you finish painting, you may need a DIY Solid Wooden Frame Set to mount the canvas, please search this ASIN - B01F3JM1EK How to Paint by Number? 1. You can decide the drawing turn according to your personal favor or in turns of the numbers. 2. For the white paint and other light color paint part, the figures left on the canvas may be seen, you can double use the paint and try to cover with the thick paint. 3. Use the paint directly and do not add any water. 4. Match the number of the paint and the figure on the canvas to fill in the paint. 5. If you careless to fill in a wrong color, you can wait the paint to get dry and then cover the wrong part with the correct color. 6. Wash the brush cleanly when you change to another color. 7. For the large part, you can use the larger brush to paint, and for the small part, you can use the smaller brush to paint. 8. Wash the brush cleanly every time you finish painting for the next time use. 9. If you happen to get the paint on your clothes, please wash it immediately. 10. Please cover the lid of paint well when you do not use it, in case the paint gets dry. 11. The figures on the canvas may not be covered entirely, hope you do not mind. 12. The paint we offer is enough for the normal use, please do not waste it in case of the paint shortage. DONT FORGET: U R Beautiful

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