Mamba Monster X 8S 33.6V ESC W/2028-800KV Sensored Motor
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Mamba Monster X 8S 33.6V ESC W/2028-800KV Sensored Motor

Product ID: 214531501
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The MAMBA MONSTER X 8S, 33.6V ESC W/2028-800kv SENSORED COMBO is ready to take on any R/C vehicle weighing up to 25lbs and running up to 8S LiPo. (Vehicle examples: Traxxas X-Maxx™ & Unlimited Desert Racer™; Arrma Kraton 8s™ & Limitless™; Losi Super Rock Rey™ & Audi R8®™; Redcat Shredder™. Designed for heavy, high speed rigs, you'll experience controllable low-end ranges, without sacrificing power, punch, or speed. SmartSense™ mode uses the motor’s sensors to start the motor to provide smooth starts, excellent torque, and low-speed drivability. You’ll put more power to the ground, where it should be, instead of wasting it through raw heat and RPMs. The 4-pole 12-slot 2028-800kv motor design boast exceptional efficiency, and the oversized NMB bearings and vibration dampening system ensure the longest bearing life possible. High-strength, high-temperature grade neodymium sintered magnets combined with a high-strength Kevlar wrap ensures the integrity of the rotor is not compromised during harsh running conditions. You will reap the benefits of longer run times on one battery and a cooler running motor that can be pushed harder. The MAMBA MONSTER X 8S utilizes Castle’s breakthrough technology CRYO-DRIVE™. By reducing the rate at which the ESC heats up and removing heat more efficiently, your setup will be able to handle higher gear ratios, in heavier vehicles, with longer runs. These software advancements work in parallel with a unique open housing design to allow increased directional airflow to cool critical components. With the integration of a 40mm cooling fan and a forged elliptical fin heatsink, the design maximizes airflow throughout the system, taking thermal performance to a whole new level. High-performance demands high quality and this ESC was designed with durability in mind. Constructed around a robust aluminum casing, the epoxy potting guarantees protection around the circuitry and ensures all-weather use. Mamba Monster X 8S is a workhorse, it will dominate in the harshest of environments

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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