Leather-n-Dagger Damascus Steel Blank Blade for Knife Making Supplies (Without Sheath) LDB34
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Leather-n-Dagger Damascus Steel Blank Blade for Knife Making Supplies (Without Sheath) LDB34

Product ID: 2128620
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TOTAL LENGTH: 8.00 INCHES (APPROX) - HISTORY OF DAMASCUS STEEL: From 300 BC to 1700 AD Damascus steel was the high-quality steel used in blades and it was famous for making strong swords for survival so well-forged that it could bent under pressure without breaking, yet held an edge so sharp it could cleave a big piece of wood in half with only the force behind one arm. During Middle Ages Damascus steel was used to make swords and the art of making Damascus steel was considered as a secret. Then a time came when process for making the original Damascus steel was lost. But it emerged again, though modern-day Damascus blades, knives and swords are not made in the same way as in the medieval time. The reason for this is obvious, as no one knows exactly how those blades, knives and swords were made.

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