5 Pcs Lifelike Fishing Lures, 13.5CM Artificial Bass Fishing Bait Set, Freshwater Saltwater Multi Jointed Swim Baits Slow Sinking Bionic Swimming Lures
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5 Pcs Lifelike Fishing Lures, 13.5CM Artificial Bass Fishing Bait Set, Freshwater Saltwater Multi Jointed Swim Baits Slow Sinking Bionic Swimming Lures

Product ID: 206221897
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If you are a fishing enthusiast, please do not miss these top-quality lifelike artificial bait, they will make your fishing activities easier. Our artificial bait has a 3D holographic eye, which perfectly reproduces the color and pattern of the actual fish, and is more attractive to predatory fish. The S-shaped swimming bait is designed with 8 segmented body parts, lifelike swimming strokes, and can perform S-swimming at any speed, which is the main goal of hungry fish. Constructed with a tough ABS plastic body that is supported by super strong mesh woven fabric to ensure the durability, the separate sections are puncture and tear-resistant while still being flexible. Specifications: Size: Length: 13.5cm/5.3", Width: 2.5cm/1.0" Weight: 19g/0.7oz Material: Hard ABS Plastic, Mental Targeting Fish: Bass, Yellow Perch, Walleye, Muskie, Trout, etc. Package List: 5pcs different fishing lures Warm Tip: The hook is too sharp, please use it carefully.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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