Premium Quality Charcoal Infused Bamboo Toothbrushes (4 Pack) - Eco Friendly, Sustainable Wood, Plastic Free
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Premium Quality Charcoal Infused Bamboo Toothbrushes (4 Pack) - Eco Friendly, Sustainable Wood, Plastic Free

Product ID: 198482283
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BRUSH LIKE NEVER BEFORE: Our bamboo toothbrushes feature activated charcoal bristles that help brightenteeth naturally, while the ingenious design allows the bristles to adapt to your teeth shape and clean those hard-to-reach places in between your teeth. NATURAL: The toothbrush's handle is made up of bamboo and completely plastic-free. Furthermore, the bristles are infused with activated charcoal which promotes teeth whitening and can help remove stains and reduces plastic. The bristles are made of nylon so are not completely natural. SOFT AND COMFY: Our natural bamboo toothbrushes are incredibly comfortable, while the activated charcoal bristles are super-soft and gentle on your gums and teeth. If you have sensitive gums, our eco-friendly toothbrushes are the perfect solution! The bristles are made of nylon, as we are still searching for a completely organic alternative. ECO-FRIENDLY: The handle is made from 100% natural bamboo, our toothbrushes are the most eco-friendly oral-health choice on the market. Furthermore, the toothbrush handles are fully biodegradable and compostable, so you won?t have to worry about them littering our waterways or landfills. The bristles still need to be disposed of in a normal bin as they cannot currently be recycled. ULTRA-DURABLE: The zero-waste toothbrushes can be used for up to three months, just like a regular toothbrush. Simply rinse the bamboo toothbrush and dry it after every use. We’re convinced you will love your smile after you start brushing with our natural toothbrushes.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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