This deck contains the following cards:Extra Deck (x15):Red Dragon Archfiend (x1) - Ultra RareRed Supernova Dragon (x1) - Super RareScarred Dragon Archfiend (x1) - Super RareHot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity (x2) - RareHot Red Dragon Archfiend (x1) - RareScarlight Red Dragon Archfiend (x1) - CommonRed Rising Dragon (x1) - CommonRed Nova Dragon (x1) - CommonHot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane (x3) - CommonHot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss (x3) - CommonMonster (x26):Soul Resonator (x2) - Ultra RareVision Resonator (x2) - Ultra RareCreation Resonator (x2) - CommonDark Resonator (x2) - CommonCrimson Resonator (x2) - CommonRed Resonator (x2) - CommonSynkron Resonator (x2) - CommonMagical King Moonstar (x2) - CommonBone Archfiend (x2) - CommonWandering King Wildwind (x2) - CommonRed Warg (x2) - CommonRed Sprinter (x2) - CommonRed Familiar (x2) - CommonSpell (x12):Absolute Powerforce (x2) - CommonCrimson Gaia (x2) - CommonBurning Soul (x2) - CommonResonator Command (x2) - CommonResonator Engine (x2) - CommonResonator Call (x2) - CommonTrap (x10):Red Zone (x2) - CommonRed Reign (x2) - CommonKing's Synchro (x2) - CommonFiendish Golem (x2) - CommonTime to Stand Up (x2) - CommonBonus (x2):Everyone's King (x2) - Ultra Rare
3 weeks ago
1 month ago