Body Wax Strips, Waxing Kit Contains 64 Strips
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Body Wax Strips, Waxing Kit Contains 64 Strips

Product ID: 175353477
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Avashine's Facial Wax Strips is a quick and easy way to remove unwanted body hair from arms, shoulder, back, bikini, brazilian, chest, fingers/toes, legs, stomach, underarms and armpit. Avashine hair removal wax strip is dedicated to helping you get smooth and shiny skin. It pampers your skin, helps clean up your body hair and results last up to 4 weeks. With regular use, hair growth is progressively slowed down.INSTRUCTIONS 1. Wash skin with soap and water, then dry thoroughly, free of all water, perspiration, creams and moisturizers.2. Smooth your hair in the direction of hair growth.3. Briskly rub strips between palms to warm wax. Slowly separate a double strip into two strips. You may fold the second single strip in half to keep it.4. Use the palm of your hands or fingertips, apply the strip with firm pressure and firmly smooth over the strip 3-4 times in the direction of hair growth to remove air in the strip. Hair should be at least 4-5mm long. Do not treat the same area twice.5. Hold skin taut with one hand, quickly pull the strip off in the opposite direction of hair growth. Pull close and parallel to your skin rather than upward into the air. The quicker you pull the strip back, the more effective your hair removal. 6. Remove any residue with post calming oil wipes or baby oil.

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