Showaflops Women's Casual Trendy Slip-Resistant Lightweight Soft Durable Multicolor Design Flip-Flops
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Showaflops Women's Casual Trendy Slip-Resistant Lightweight Soft Durable Multicolor Design Flip-Flops

Product ID: 16150472
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SHOWAFLOPS WOMEN'S FLIP FLOPS Stay on trend with these trendy flip-flops manufactured by Showaflops. Multicolor design wraps around the footbed and onto the strap. Unique drainage hole design and slip-resistant soles help protect your feet anywhere you go - public showers, gyms, steam rooms, dorms, camps, pools, or locker rooms. Showaflops added unique proprietary holes to improve drainage and faster drying. Besides, Showaflops flip-flops are totally unique looking. You will love the feel, look, and comfort of a Showaflop, and now everyone can help to protect their feet while staying stylish. Showaflops come in an assortment of fun, designs for kids and adults sure to turn heads! Their new lineup includes flops with sprinkles, hearts, tire tracks, camo, and even a Moroccan design! But these sandals aren`t just cute, they`re made to help protect your feet and keep you from slipping on wet surfaces. Now you can stride across a damp floor without worrying about pathogens affixing themselves to their feet, and they’re comfortable enough to keep on during a shower or a dip in the hot tub. The fashionable design will let your grad embrace – rather than sacrifice – their unique sense of style. Also, the thick platforms keep you elevated off the shower floor, giving you and the germs of the shower plenty of distance and keeping your toes safe. These shower sandals have a textured outsole to prevent you from slipping on wet bathroom floors; not to mention Showaflops have a slick and clean design for both men and women; keeping it trendy and stylish for everyone! Size Chart: Please use the size chart below to determine the appropriate Showaflop size. The bottom of the foot should be measured at the furthest points (heel to big toe) before ordering. Size 5/6 - Foot measurement 9.75" Size 7/8 - Foot measurement 10.25" Size 9/10 - Foot measurement 11"

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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