Discovering AutoCAD 2015
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Discovering AutoCAD 2015

Product ID: 15951307
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This book presents a hands-on, activity-based approach to the use of AutoCAD as a drafting tool—complete with techniques, tips, shortcuts, and insights that improve efficiency. Topics and tasks are carefully grouped to lead students logically through the AutoCAD command set, with the level of difficulty increasing steadily as skills are acquired through experience and practice. Straightforward explanations focus on what is relevant to actual drawing procedures, and illustrations show exactly what to expect on the computer screen. This edition features updates for the latest release of AutoCAD, projects, and test questions for each chapter. Lessons are broken down into tasks listed at the beginning of each section, introducing students to the AutoCAD commands using a structured, intuitive approach and helping students anticipate what information will be needed at each new phase of the learning process. General Procedure boxes appear as new commands are introduced, providing a simple overview of basic command procedures in a step-by-step format. Detailed graphics appear throughout the text, demonstrating what students should expect to see on their screens and encouraging self-paced study. Drawing problems appear at the end of the chapter, helping students apply newly learned techniques immediately to realistic drawing situations. This includes drawing suggestions, timesaving tips, and explanations of how to use techniques in actual situations. High-quality working drawings accompany end-of-chapter drawing problems, appearing in a large, clearly dimensioned format on each right-hand page. This includes mechanical, architectural, civil, and electrical drawings. Bonus drawing projects appear in Appendix A, giving students additional review and practice.  

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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