Father's Day Handprint Frame Craft - Crafts for Kids and Fun Home Activities
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Father's Day Handprint Frame Craft - Crafts for Kids and Fun Home Activities

Product ID: 15341964
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Wooden Father's Day Handprint Frame Craft Kit. Create a special gift for dad and wish him a Happy Father's Day! This handprint craft kit includes a wooden frame a paper insert with a poem and space to place a child's handprint and a 4-oz. bottle of blue washable finger paint. Safe and non-toxic. The poem says Every day I am exploring touching everything I've found. I leave behind my little marks and handprints all around. You clean up those handprints but someday when I'm grown you'll wish you had just one handprint to keep for your own. I made this handprint for you so that one day when I am tall you'll remember what my hand looked like long ago when I was small. 8 3/4 All craft kit pieces are pre-packaged for individual use. Kits include instructions and extra pieces.Craft Instructions We recommend using foam glue or Glue Dots sold separately online. Conforms to ASTM D-4236. OTCAge RecommendationAges 5 & Up Containing medium-sized pieces with the occasional angular edge these lightweight to sturdy crafts may require some assembly such as stringing beads or gluing items to create a 3-dimensional project.

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