Archie McPhee Accoutrements Bigfoot Sasquatch Outdoor Research Kit Novelty Gift, Multicolored, 7" x 5" x 1-1/2"
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Archie McPhee Accoutrements Bigfoot Sasquatch Outdoor Research Kit Novelty Gift, Multicolored, 7" x 5" x 1-1/2"

Product ID: 14963370
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You could search for Bigfoot by just randomly walking around in the forest screaming "Bigfoot" at the top of your lungs or you could use science! Our Bigfoot Research Kit contains items that easily double (maybe triple!) your chances of finding Bigfoot. Probably the most helpful advice is in the included informational booklet. It lets you in on the secret that Bigfoot is an introvert, so he's cool if you're mellow, but don't come on all harsh and huggy. So, how do you approach Bigfoot? You have to buy this kit to find out! Comes in a 7" x 5" x 1-1/2" decorated cardboard box that contains stickers, a membership card, evidence flags, the previously mentioned informational booklet, field journal, a magnifier and scat bags. This will make your inner 10-year-old, or an actual 10-year-old, very happy.

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