ARG HEALTHCARE New Japanese Technology QUANTUM BODY THERAPY ANALYZER is highly acclaimed by the clients for a complete analysis of the body organs in accordance with the height and other parameters along with TENS Therapy. TENS is a therapy that uses electrical current delivered through electrodes to the skin for pain relief. The ARG Body Analyzer with TENS Therapy is touted to be advanced electronic equipment that collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, and then determines the health of a person. It works by simply holding the testing rod in your hand, the machine is connected to a computer reads and presents the findings on the individual. TENS therapy alleviates back pain, shoulder pain etc, relax you from stress & tiredness.The health check is made in a non-invasive way and will not harm the human body. The analyzer measures the magnetic fields in your body to obtain the results. An encryption lock can be removed when the device is not being used, therefore protecting the client's information. FEATURES 16th Generation 54 Test Reports (Female and Kids) Japanese Technology Easy to operate; just connect with PC or laptop. TENS Therapy USB Software Pen drive, no CD required Simple to use, just hold the testing rod Result can be stored and printed. SPECIFICATION Product Name : Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer (Therapy) Model : 16G Reports : 54 Test Reports Compatible: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Win 7,8, 10 Package List 1 * Body Analyzer 1 * USB Cable 2 pair * TENS body patches 1 * USB Software Pen Drive 1 * USB Encryption Key Instruction Manual HOW TO USE? 1. Open the computer and install the program, using USB Pen drive. 2. Connect the computer and analyzer with a USB cable and plug in the encryption lock. 3. Open the installed software and add the tester information. 4. Click the test icon and place your palm on the machine to start the test. 5. Save all test reports,
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