Grey 2014-2015 HDsmallPARTS/LocEzy® Saddlebag Mounting Hardware/Knobs are replacement/compatible for Saddlebag Quick Release Pins on Harley-Davidson Touring Motorcycles
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Grey 2014-2015 HDsmallPARTS/LocEzy® Saddlebag Mounting Hardware/Knobs are replacement/compatible for Saddlebag Quick Release Pins on Harley-Davidson Touring Motorcycles

Product ID: 14712036
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2014-2016 Harley Davidson saddlebags will be more secure and reduce the chance of the stock Bailhead quick/twist release system coming loose and your bags go flying down the highway beside you instead of with you! With this LocEzy Saddlebag Mounting/Theft Deterrent Hardware you do not need any tools at all to use them. They screw into the supplied U-Clips, only difference is by hand and not a wrench. They are the right length so as not to protrude thru the threaded part of the U-Clip to far making it virtually impossible to get to with pliers or any other tools to unscrew them. As with any of the Saddlebag mounting systems being sold, if the thief pry's or breaks the top of the saddle bag open, they have just ruined what they were trying to take from you. The Saddlebag itself. LocEzy Mounting Hardware requires no special tools to keep up with or having to dig out of your tool bag in the bottom of you fully packed saddlebag. They take the place of the Bailhead quick release pins and receptacles that came stock on your bike. In picture 6, the approximate distance from point A to point B is 5/8's.

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