Too often we are unable to locate documents like car insurance, insurance policy or other important papers when we need them the most. This registration and insurance card holder is designed to make sure your documents are easy to locate in once place and that those documents are protected.This auto document holder has 5 transparent pockets, 2 on the left cover for storing insurance and registration papers and 3 on the right cover for storing membership cards, emergency information or business cards. Perfect for insurance agents, local tow truck company, uber driver accessories, or rideshare accessories. These transparent pockets have a slightly textured and frosted finish for reduced glare with contact clarity, so that you can easily read the information on the cards.This vehicle registration and insurance organizer protector features a heat-sealed leather-like vinyl cover with decorative perimeter stitch for a clean look. It has a compact size of 9.25” × 4.9” that allows you to keep it safely in the glove box of your car or truck.
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