Small House Rainbow Way 3-Pack #2: Make It Rain-Bow Arcade, Over-The-Moon Macarons, & The Gilded Wing
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Small House Rainbow Way 3-Pack #2: Make It Rain-Bow Arcade, Over-The-Moon Macarons, & The Gilded Wing

Product ID: 146251252
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Welcome to the world of Nanables. This whimsical world is filled with ultra-small, “eye-candy” dwellings, each inspired by the unique inhabitants that call them home, the Nanables. Discover Rainbow Way, one of the most magical in Nanables. This assortment includes locations like Make It Rain-bow Arcade, Over the Moon Macarons, and The Gilded Wing. There is no shortage of delightful hangouts in this glittery land. Each highly detailed dwelling includes two unique Nanables with built-in hangouts for them: on a balcony, inside a doorway, or other special places unique to each house. Using the integrated viewer, peek inside each house for a glimpse of the interior and a taste of what life is like for your Nanables. Download the free Nanables app and scan each house to see this enchanting world come to life and unlock lots of fun activities and interactions with your Nanables. The more houses you collect, the more activities you unlock.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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