Funny Mug - I Ate Some Pie… And It Was Delicious. Math Geek - 11 OZ Coffee Mugs - Funny Inspirational and sarcasm
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Funny Mug - I Ate Some Pie… And It Was Delicious. Math Geek - 11 OZ Coffee Mugs - Funny Inspirational and sarcasm

Product ID: 13023564
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The perfect gift and size to enjoy your morning beverage and the perfect gift for your loved ones that special day. Is intelligent and curious. Likes to lay quite down around a lot, sort of like a couch potato. That's cool though. They are usually quiet and know where to use the bathroom, unlike dogs. A quite pleasant furry creature that vaguely resembles a meatloaf. Cats are the most intellectually superior creature on Earth. They are particularly adept at training human beings to do their bidding, and spend 18 hours a day on average apparently sleeping. What they are really doing is coming up with ways to take over the Earth while still retaining humans to make that yummy cat food for them. If cats had opposable thumbs, they, not us, would be the dominant force on this planet.

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