Vinyasa Unlocked DVD - Developing The Salute to The Sun, Jumping Through and Jumping Back, Back Bending and Inversions
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Vinyasa Unlocked DVD - Developing The Salute to The Sun, Jumping Through and Jumping Back, Back Bending and Inversions

Product ID: 12047061
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Vinyasa Unlocked Vinyasa Unlocked is a special series of Yoga workshops designed to help you learn and practice ways to improve Suryanamaskara through to Viparita Chakrasana by adding grace and power. The guiding principal is to balance flexibility and strength throughout the body. If we can develop both at the same time our stability and grace with all Vinyasa will be improved. More importantly we will be well on the way to spiritual wholeness. Just as we aim to balance the inhalation and exhalation in our practice, the masculine and feminine and the Sun and Moon, it is essential that we seek to balance these qualities at the most basic level of the body. If you can develop your strength and flexibility equally, you can also begin to balance these energies in the subtle body and deeply at your core. The first DVD in this set includes great details for developing: ૐ the Salute to the Sun, ૐ jumping through and jumping back, ૐ headstand, forearm balance and handstand, ૐ back bending and drop backs, and ૐ the reverse wheel or tic-tacs. The second DVD includes a range of supporting exercises on: ૐ core strength, ૐ shoulder and upper back flexibility, ૐ leg strength and front body flexibility, ૐ variations on all the Salutes, and ૐ Nauli Kriya and the three Bandha. The entire program is 4 hours and 20 minutes on 2 DVDs Matthew Sweeney is a Yoga teacher who has studied Zen Shiatsu, Oki-do, and Iyengar yoga styles before settling into his Ashtanga practice. He has developed his own Vinyasa sequences which he shares in his books, Astanga Yoga As It Is, Vinyasa Krama, and Astanga Yoga Travel Book. You may also be interested in his Chandra Krama Moon Sequence DVD.

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