1 Set of 16 Molds to Make Drystack Ledgestone Rock, ODL-04
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1 Set of 16 Molds to Make Drystack Ledgestone Rock, ODL-04

Product ID: 12028694
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YOU CAN MAKE 1.5" THICK STONE VENEER LIKE THAT PICTURED FOR PENNIES EACH! --- Make hundreds of stones from each mold, as they are made with .060 H.I. Industrial ABS material for flexibility, durability and long life. The molds you receive will be "black" in color. Many photos illustrate our molds in white because white tends to photograph better, and we have used white plastic periodically. NO KILN or special equipment is necessary. And products can be made for from twenty-eight to sixty cents per square foot, depending on the thickness desired. - This listing is for: One set of all different "Olde Drystack Ledgestone" Veneer Molds, ODL-04 - For larger projects or for a better mix of shapes and sizes, we also offer four more sets of all-different molds in this style that are available in the store, for a total of 86 different mold sizes and shapes. Each set covers about four square feet, depending on spacing. - Save fifty-dollars by purchasing all five sets (86 molds) together for only $399.75. (See ODL-86 elsewhere on ). - The mold sheet pictured will be cut apart into smaller groups of molds for shipping, and ease of handling when making your stone. Complete FREE INSTRUCTIONS are included, and we are an email away should you need support. We also have a website with FREE information and instructions that you can consult. - You can make Ledgestone like that pictured in the photos for pennies each! Most photos of projects in our listings and on our websites were made with our molds by customers who had never worked with concrete or molds before. They used bags of pre-mix concrete to make their stone, some concrete color, which is available in our store, and followed our simple instructions. You can also use plaster for interior work if you'd like. It’s that easy! - Save Hundreds to Thousands of Dollars on your next project. They Did! - It's as easy as making a cake. But no oven is needed!

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago