Hinged Unloader Knee Brace with Side Stabilizers for ACL MCL LCL Injury, Sprain, Meniscus Tear, Medial & Lateral Knee Support for Men & Women | Adjustable Knee Brace for Working Out with Compression (Large)
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Hinged Unloader Knee Brace with Side Stabilizers for ACL MCL LCL Injury, Sprain, Meniscus Tear, Medial & Lateral Knee Support for Men & Women | Adjustable Knee Brace for Working Out with Compression (Large)

Product ID: 116050345
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Size:Large Sport Spartan Performance: High Performing Products And Service Getting the most out of your day means recovering fast and staying injury-free. At SSP, we believe that remaining active is vital for a healthy lifestyle. Our passion is helping everyone achieve superior athletic performance and reduce their recovery time to maximize the value of each day.The SSP unloader knee brace is an ideal knee brace for working out for prevention, recovery or support. Includes free carry bag! Our knee braces with side stabilizers help maintain great joint health and help relieve pre-existing conditions like arthritis pain and patella tendonitis - an ideal knee brace for ligaments injury. This leg brace provides stable knee support for working out or for all-day working. The SSP dual-hinged active knee brace features lightweight and sturdy polycentric hinges making a great stabilizing knee brace for running support or hiking. This sport knee brace provides unwavering stability and alignment without confinements and restrictions that most athletic braces cause, while also accommodating necessary medial-lateral support for a fast recovery.Most knee braces for knee pain don't allow the versatility of removing each knee brace hinge. This brace does! Doing so allows for a compression function to relieve physical ailments like swelling and stiffness. The neoprene knee support is thin & breathable yet still exceptionally durable and offers irritation-free comfort and thermal compression for a desirable healing environment.Our small and plus sizes of wrap around knee brace offers joint support for common sports injuries (Basketball, Hiking, Running, Powerlifting etc) and are ideal knee wraps for meniscus tear, tendon tears & ligament sprains. This unloader knee brace offers stability and support for LCL, PCL, ACL & MCL injuries and acts as a patella stabilizer while reducing cartilage and osteoarthritis pain while allowing general medial/lateral stability.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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