Cartoon Network: Samurai Jack: The Complete Seasons 1-4Season One - From Genndy Tartakovsky, creator of Dexter's Laboratory, comes the tale of a young samurai cast far into the future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. Join Samurai Jack on his quest to return to the past and undo the destruction that Aku has wrought upon the land. With award-winning artwork and intricate, action-packed plots, the many journeys of Samurai Jack are a must for any fan's collection. Season Two - From Genndy Tartakovsky, the creator of Star Wars: Clone Wars, comes the Emmy Award winning Samurai Jack Season 2 on DVD. The series follows the tales of a young samurai cast far into the future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. Join Samurai Jack on his quest to return to the past and undo the destruction that Aku has wrought upon the land. With award-winning artwork and intricate, action-packed plots, the many journeys of Samurai Jack are a must for any fan's collection. Episodes include: (14) Jack Learns to Jump (15) Jack vs the Worm, The Metal-Eaters, & The Fairy (16) Jack and the Smackback (17) Jack and the Scotsman II (18) Jack and the Ultra-Robots (19) Jack Remembers the Past (20) Jack and the Monks (21) Jack and the Dragon (22) Jack vs the Five Hunters (23) Jack vs Demango (24) Jack Is Naked (25) Jack and the Spartans (26) Jack's Shoes Season Three - From Genndy Tartakovsky, creator of Star Wars: Clone Wars, comes the tale of a young samurai cast far into the future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. Join Samurai Jack on his quest to return to the past and undo the destruction that Aku has wrought upon the land. With award-winning artwork and action-packed plots, the journeys of Samurai Jack are a must for any fan's collection. Season Four - After an evil wizard named Aku conquers his land, Jack is sent away as a young boy to train as a samurai and save his people. When Jack is banished to the bleak future, his physical discipline and stoic nature make him a timeless hero to citizens of all worlds. Jack fights diligently in his quest to rid the world of Aku's curse while also searching for the time portal that will finally take him home.]]>
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