Mastercraft Collection Boeing B-2 Spirit United States Air Force Stealth Bomber Model Scale:1/150
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Mastercraft Collection Boeing B-2 Spirit United States Air Force Stealth Bomber Model Scale:1/150

Product ID: 10015579
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From the Manufacturer The Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit is a multi-role stealth heavy bomber, capable of deploying both conventional and nuclear weapons. It is operated exclusively by the United States Air Force. The B-2 Spirit or stealth bomber was developed and built by an industry team consisting of Northrop Grumman, Boeing and Vought Aircraft Industries. The B-2 started life as a black project known as the High Altitude Penetrating Bomber (HAPB), then became the Advanced Technology Bomber (ATB), and later became the B-2 Spirit. The B-2s primary mission is to attack time-critical targets early in a conflict to minimize an enemy's war-making potential. The B-2 bomber aircraft features incorporates advanced designs and technologies that make unprecedented use of composite materials, product assembly and finishing that meet extraordinary tolerances and quality standards and it doesn't use development tooling since it incorporates final production tooling implemented directly from the computer-aided design (CAD) system. The first B-2 was publicly displayed on November 22, 1988, when it was rolled out of its hangar at Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, California, where it was built. Its first public flight was on July 17, 1989. In 1991, the USAF and B-2 industry team received the Collier Trophy. It will be unlikely that any B-2 will be placed on permanent display in the future (or anytime before airtime retirement).

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